
Research Training

Friday is Research Day.

As part of our collaboration with North West Hospital and Health Service, research Staff at JCU Murtupuni will be holding a range of research activities on Fridays (whenever possible) throughout the year.

The purpose of these activities is to provide clinicians and novice researchers within our region opportunities to develop their research skills and participate in research and quality improvement activities, and keep local communities aware of current MCRRH research projects.

These activities include:

  • Bi-monthly Research Seminars: MCRRH Research Staff and HDR students will present on current research topics and outcomes.
  • Monthly Research Cafe: MCRRH and NWHHS PPSU researchers will have a pop-up station each month to promote our planned research activities and answer your questions about research and quality improvement.
  • Monthly Research Training Workshops: Attend our research workshops and improve your research skills! These workshops are designed for those who are new to research.
  • Research Drop-in Sessions: Book a time to come and speak to us about your research/QI ideas or project, at a time that’s convenient to you. Fill out the enquiry/EOI form below.

Research activity registrations

Find out more about these research activities below.

Bi-Monthly Research Seminars

Learn more about current research from JCU Murtupuni staff and students.

If you are interested in attending one of our research seminars, please register here.

Friday 5th April, 12.30-1.30pm

  • Presenters: A/Prof Santosh Jatrana & Susan Gasson
  • Topic: Confident supervisors: supervising international students from non-English speaking backgrounds
  • Abstract: Dr Santosh Jatrana is a committed supervisor with a record of successfully supervising international HDRs. In collaboration with Susan Gasson, she has written a chapter titled ‘Supervising International Higher Degree Researchers from Non-English Speaking Countries’ for a free online book ‘Confident Supervisors: Creating Confident Researchers’.  In this session, Santosh and Susan share strategies and tips for enabling candidature experiences that support research outcomes.

Friday 7th June, 12.30-1.30pm

  • Presenters: A/Prof Santosh Jatrana & Catherine Seaton
  • Title: Urban-Rural Mortality in Australia: A systematic review

Friday 2nd August, 12.30-1.30pm

  • TBC

Friday 4th October, 12.30-1.30pm

  • TBC

Friday 6th December, 12.30-1.30pm

  • TBC

Register here

Research Cafe

JCU Murtupuni and NWHHS PPSU staff will be available on the second Friday of each month, to let Mount Isa Hospital staff know about upcoming research activities and assist with research enquiries.

No appointment or registration is needed, just pop down and say hello!


  • Hospital entry corridor, near the Kiosk/Coffee Shop


Monday, 15th April, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 10th May, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 14th June, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 12th July, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 9th August, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 13th September, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 11th October, 10.00-11.00am
Friday, 8th November, 10.00-11.00am

Research Training Workshops

JCU Murtupuni research staff are facilitating Research Training Workshops for our local clinicians and novice researchers throughout our footprint in North West Queensland, Central West Queensland, and Lower Gulf and Western Cape regions who may be interested in learning about research or improving their research skills and knowledge.

These workshops are designed for people who are new to research and early career researchers. They will be occurring on the third Friday of each month

Register here

Session topic Time & Date

Identifying And Developing Health Research Questions

Presented by Catherine Seaton

Friday 19th April, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Searching the Literature

Presented by Catherine Seaton

Friday 17th May, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Literature Reviews: Why and How?

Presented by Catherine Seaton & Ana Abbas

Thursday 20th June, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

  • rescheduled due to the Mount Isa Show Day Public Holiday

Ethics & Governance Procedures

Presented by Sara Hubbard, Research Governance Officer, Torres and Cape HHS

Thursday 11th July, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

  • rescheduled due to presenter availability

Quantitative Research Design (2-Part Workshop)

Presented by Dr Maru Castellanos, College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University

Friday 16th August, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm (Pt 1)

Friday 23rd August, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm (Pt 2)

TBC Friday 20th September, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Qualitative research methods

Presented by Dr Alice Cairns

Friday 18th October, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Service Evaluation: Determining Outcomes & Quality Improvement

Presented by Dr Alice Cairns

Friday 15th November, 2024, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Research Drop-In Sessions

Following from our research cafe and research training workshops, book a time to come and speak to us about your research/QI ideas or project, at a time that’s convenient to you. Fill out the enquiry/EOI form on our website. Contact us with your enquiry or to make an appointment using the form below.

Research Enquiries/Drop-in EOI

Email address

A Commonwealth funded Department of Rural Health
in collaboration with: